Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 23 Mar to 29 Mar 2014
Eric Ewald: Bravo!
Luis Francisco Rivero.
Michael Lawrence.
Nelson Barrrera.
Kurt Jäger: (Kegon AG)
Tomas Malmsten.
Herman Chan: (EQUIBT GROUP) It simply make a lot sense in real world.
mira: (Bali agung village) Simple to read and understand, but a challenge to put in practice - particular in large organizations.
Stephen Walker: (Drew London Ltd.) The agile state of mind informs everything that we do.
Firoj Shaikh.
Cherry: (BHC ) Try your best
Petros Sirbopoulos: (T-Mobile Netherlands BV)
Danny Crone: (nFocus Testing) agility is part of my way of life, both working and personal. From a software perspective, I believe that agility allows us to deal with complex software products and solutions.
Darren Yamaki.
nirmal kumar: I strongly believe agile manifesto
Banzi Nkosi: (IT and QM Consulting (t/a ITQM))
Sandeep Adinarayana: The agile manifesto is my "Holy Grail" when it comes to software development. IMO these values and principles can be applied to many walks of life and not just software development. I have learnt a lot from the agile manifesto and I continue to get inspired. Thank You!
Tim Oliver: Large organisations, in my experience, can be slow to embrace necessary change and respond to new opportunities. Agile, if applied correctly, can release the chains..
Sungjoon Ahn: I fully support the agile manifesto. I have been working in and practicing agile for a little over a year but I totally get it.
Chris Valcourt: Every single one of these principles are valid even today in 2014
Amer Javaid.
Mustufa Chitalwala: The Agile Manifesto if applied correctly will produce the most value and least wastage.
Marcel Henrich: ( I subscribe to the Agile Manifesto, not only in regard of software development, but also in regard of any organisational challenge that requires innovation and creativity.
Jessica M Lucido: (U.S. Geological Survey)
Shadi Issa: (MenaLabs)
Shirley Hinton: (
Samuel Casanova: (Raona)
Filippo Quaranta: (FREELANCE)
Charles Ben Ami.
Pioneer Wang: Revolution is required in the overall mindset for software development. Looking at Google and Facebook, they apply similar concept for their daily and rapidly moving forward development processes. We are seeking ways to save us from the nightmare of all the expected /unexpected reasons which cause the failure in software development. In my humble opinion, Agile, together with the right team with enough power of execution, could be the key to success in some area.
Sudhir Puligundla: Being Agile is easier said than done. I believe in the Agile Manifesto and will try my best to adhere to it, learn from failures and get better in the process of delivering highest value to my customers.
Tim Wooldridge.
clayton fernandes: (Térmica Automação - Brasil)
Mark Steven Lewis: (NetEFX Designs) I agree with the assertions in the Agile Manifesto. Some of these are reminiscent of the early days of the IETF, which says "We believe in rough consensus and running code."
Nishanth Billa.
Anish Patel: ( Being Agile, no matter what process you use is even more vital today than it has ever been in the face of ever increasing complexity. Delivering to your clients great software should be your main priority and the agile manifesto outlines the important principles that we should all adhere to.
Lorenzo Pasqualis: Agile development is the common sense response to software development corporate bureaucracy that afflicted, and still afflicts, sections of our industry.
Richard Butler: (AT&T) Let's make it happen - be Agile!
Saabirah Desai: The Agile Manifesto is a sound and roadmap to providing optimal stakeholder / customer satisfaction and making every attempt to meet organizational strategic goals. Those that not only endorse it, but also adhere to it, they too become more marketable.
Kevin Short.
Jorge Reyero.
Dan Mosora: An inspiring manifesto, indeed!
Tomasz Nedzi: (skills sp. z o.o.) I found Agile Manifesto to be confusing in 2005, but I understand now that in order to value people, products, customers and being reactive we also need to have the order in place. It took me couple of years to understand it properly, but I couldn't agree more. Tomasz Nedzi
Prakhar Piyush: (EPAY Systems Inc.) As a Project Manager, I always learned and practiced "The Customer First". Gradually I got a project to migrate all our customers using our legacy application to newly designed application. It was a complex project which involved more than 20+ different customers with different needs and requirements. The traditional Waterfall method could have done a little to constant changing requirements of the customers and it was the right time for me to practice Agile methodology. I was amazed to learn that customers actually liked being a part of the Project and were highly satisfied with the Project output. I give Agile a Thumbs Up, and will continue to practice it for all of my projects.
Markus Eberhardt: (HOOD GmbH)
Mario Hernández: (PLANMEDIA MEX SA DE CV) Agile Methodology for complex projects
Chris Gunnells: Awesome!!!
Robert Bagwell: (Rogue Community College) I'm a big supporter and I'll continue to teach your important work to my students here at Rogue Community College in the years ahead.
Paul Whipp: (Paul Whipp Consulting) Over the years I have come to recognise that the ways of developing software embodied in the Agile Manifestor are the only effective way to develop new software products.
David Dalton: I support the Agile Manifesto. Wow! What a common sense approach to software development.

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