Independent Signatories of The Manifesto for Agile Software Development
We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. | |
Signatures Received: 12 Jul to 18 Jul 2009 | ||
Luca Rocchi: (TheBlogTV) Music for my ears Gil Estes: I have worked in waterfall, RUP, XP and Scrum and have found that by far and away the more Agile a project is, the higher level of customer satisfaction as well as employee satisfaction is achieved. Creating great software is THE goal, all else is secondary! Amal Chaudhuri: Better software. Better processes. Kirti Vaidya: (CSC) Ben Kopf: (SpinThought Inc.) Gustavo Poveda: (Osadio) I support the Agile manifesto, im tired of fighting with the client. Edward DiLorenzo: It is a fundamental tenet of all engineering that if you want to go to the moon you'd better first have a Mercury and Gemini project before Apollo. Incremental and Iterative development is always preferred over grand designs that don't recognize the limitations inherent in all human endeavors. David Bryant. Yakup Karıksız. Andrea Heck: We are introducing agile into a big software project. Having started small, I have seen it working amazingly well. There is no pixie dust behind it - agile is just common sense - but lots of it - combined with smart communication. Tomek Kuprowski. Francesco Petrillo: (Simple To Process) Because change happen... Fayssal El Moufatich: In a field, computer science, where the only constant is change, and by no means a constant change, I believe that agile software development methodologies is probably the only way to go. Mike Yoke: Developing software this way feels right, it's more satisfying, and it works. Thiago Silva Marano: ( Lets do it! Ron Kanagy: I am finding day by day just how far superior Agile methods are over the more traditional methods of developing working software. Sandro Noel: (Gestosoft.) Andrea De Pirro: ( Neal Sulmeyer: (Kinetic Computing, LLC) Rico Sabino: (Softrigger Interactive, Inc.) Fredy Pineda: Developer of Independent Software Munjid Musallam: (Lebanese American University) Paul Lorena: (Cidesoft) I support the Agile Manifesto John G Wingfield: (J G Wingfield) | Diego Fidel Ferreyra: After years of dealing with traditional projects, promoting all the analisys and design up-front, I always found that when you have to build up the solution, you have to negotiate every written word from the previous stages. And most of the time, that was not what the customer needed, but an initial idea of what the solution would be like. That way you tend to oppose to your customer rather than trying to help him on his business. Taking into account my Aikido experience, I realized that this approach is not joining with the other, is actually opposing. So it is way much more weary in the relationship with the customers than an Agile aproach, that is flexibile by nature.
With an Agile aproach, I experienced that you naturally tend to be flexible enough to achive your customer's goals and still preserve the order and structure needed to build up a working solution. Eric Chastain: (Agile Web Systems) Clear, wise, and above all honest, the Agile Manifesto illustrates what can be possible when politics are removed and good intentions and common sense are allowed to surface. Manuel Acevedo: ( We definitely support the Agile Manifesto and we put it in practice everyday for the development of borja: I believe that agile software development methodologies is probably the only way to go. Dionatan Moura: ( Agile Software Development saved my work! It gave me great motivation! Thanks! Bruno Mamona: I believe that the agile method is the future of the development in times of cloud computing! Ass: Bruno Mamona ( Daniel J Dacey: (New England Computer Solutions) Moses Qqu: I can't believe i have been living in the dark for so long. Half my problems as a developer would have been solved if i had known about this philosophy. Many times we forget that we were meant to be problem solvers. That alone should be the driving force behind development. Money should be a surplus! An after product of good work done! Not the driving force. I choose to follow everything on the left. Ajith Edassery: (Dollar Shower) We use Agile development methodologies (scrum based development) and a bunch of lean and agile processes at our company (SAP). I get to play the role of the scrum master, that I thoroughly enjoy! Jorge Luis Fatta. Ayaz Haniffa. clive rochey-adams: (man investments) | Hiren Pandya: Having worked on a large-scale Agile software development project, We have realized the truly value of being Agile. The experience thus gained can be shared with other teams - and it will bring benefit to them as well as to the rest of the organization. Walt Wyckoff: Having worked in Waterfall for over twenty five years I can attest to the common failues across businesses and industries. I fully support Agile's attempt to address the shortcomings of traditional software development. Elderclei Regis Reami: We are striving to change the way people develop software, and the principles behind the agile manifesto are solid to help achieve that. HERLANI JUNIOR: (HHC TECHNOLOGIES) More delivered software, less process, less control, more fun environment to allow brilliant technologies ideas grow up !!! Luiz Claudio Parzianello: After the first insight, no comments are necessary to explain what is the right way of enlightenment in software development ... ;-) Greg Gagnaux. bzhang: (Honeywell) I'm a new practitioner of Agile Software Development. Marcus Swope. John Coleman: (TRAX International) Japhet Berlin : (Fifteen Development Group) I have been in the project management arena for many years and have implemented many methodologies as would be expected in this field. By far, Agile Scrum has been an incredible experience that has served not just my firm well, but my clients as well. I have implemented PMO's in organizations from the small firms to the Fortune 500 firms and have utilized Agile. They love it and I'm grateful... At the end of the day it’s about creating mindful and positive experiences for all parties involved, and delivering on set expectations and promises. Thanks Raphael J. Schmid: (Der Schattenschreiber) Weil nur Agilität Verlorengeglaubtes wieder auf sichere Beine zu stellen vermag. Die Agile Development Practices bedeuten für mich: geistig wach bleiben und nie die Bereitschaft verlieren, kreative (manchmal sogar unorthodoxe) Wege zu gehen, um ein Projekt glücklich zu Ende zu bringen. Thomas J. Fuchs: (Prodocum) Bessere Software schneller und mit weniger Fehler entwickeln und dabei die Kreativiaet der Menschen im Team foerdern und nutzen! Nagaraja: (Sen-Sei) Ward Penney: Wow, it's like someone put words to my frustrations. Agile Ninja-dom, here I come! |
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