Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 20 Nov to 25 Nov 2010
Andreas Lenz: ( The agile principles combine the customer's and the developer's real needs with reliable project success.
Julio César Plascencia: (Freelance developer) After sometime developing without any particular methodology at hand, when I started to look the benefits and the improvements on teams attached to Agile principles and methodologies, I became an instant fan. Productivity and healthy environments are guaranteed with Agile development practices.
Rafael Maciel: (Devcom)
Stanislaus Eichstaedt: I'm CSM for a couple of years and I know now that this principles are the base for a motivated team - leading to quality, better products and to satisfied customers.
Larry King: (Dell)
Mike Collins: (Britkeys Computer Consultancy) The manifesto is the clearest declaration of agile thinking that I have seen. It encapsulates the essence of agile whilst not throwing the baby out with the bath water. We have to have tools, processes, documentation, contracts and plans but they don't have to rule us. Production of actual software is why we are doing the project and developing good quality interactions between people, collaboration & responding well to change is how we can make projects successful. Focus on the important things first.
Michael Abugow, CSM: I think this approach to software development has got to be the best approach to consistent, working software. This gives developers a better sense of accomplishment, and reward. Customers come back more satisfied with this approach in comparison to waterfall development every time.
Timur Achmetow: I love the agile manifest !
Jesper Hammerstrøm: Most importantly agile makes software development fun.
Timothy Serrano: (As myself in transformation) Agile methodology assures a wide range of benefits, measured not only in short or long term financial gains, fleeting moments of recognition, or crowning achievements in product excellence, but more importantly in estimable human relationships that make our world ultimately a better place to live in. We evolve into a naturally occurring, compassionate archetype of life in the workplace, groomed only by our natural human instincts and capacities to interact, adapt and innovate.
Nitin Agarwal: Agile is the only natural way of Software Development. A good programmer follows agile approach by instinct.
Christophe Leroy: (atipyc)
Phil Gadzinski: (National Australia Bank) I have been working in Banking and Projects for nearly 15 years, and we have been following an Agile SDLC for the last two projects / three years. These are the most succesful projects in terms of meeting customer expectations I have seen. We now are working on adapting the Agile principles to non-SDLC projects, and even in normal Business Operations - Retrospectives and Stand Ups being the key tools.I would not run another project without some level of Agile principles being embedded in the approach.
Cara Turner: Agile is the place I've come to after focusing more on profitability than on customer or team satisfaction, and working with organisations who value contract negotiation over working software. The focus on communication, collaboration, and maturity is a welcome change indeed.
andrea nonni: (
Gregory Sharp.
Phillip Hodges.
Nicolas NARDONE: (
Rakhi Shah.
Nick Munger: (Pomco)
LOURS Guillaume: (AgileIT) Revenons à l'essence du développement informatique. Développons des produits pour les utilisateurs et laissons les en piloter le contenu, ils savent mieux que nous ce qui est bon pour leur métier. Soyons pragmatique et faisons en sorte que l'informatique redevienne un outil à forte valeur ajoutée pour les utilisateurs et non plus une contrainte.
Longpat Limited: (Longpat Limited)
Maria Matarelli: (Bevill Edge)
Ronny Troch: (Agentschap voor landbouw en visserij)
Ahmed Ebrahem: (More than 9999)
LN Mishra: (Adaptive Processes Consulting) I fully agree to and believe in the agile manifesto. Wherever, we could work with the client in an agile manner, both client and us found better value for each other.
Heiner Halbach: (SOPTIM AG)
Débora Raial: (Soyuz Sistemas)
Ricardo Gava: (Assessor Público)
Alex Lawrence: (
Luiza Bastos.
Nirmit Bothra.
Jaedoo Go: (Goldedit)
Sebastian Varga: ( Agile Development focuses on results rather than on predictability. What is frightening for the typical manager is liberation for those who embrace the concept. I've managed many projects in the spirit of agile and ever since I've used agile methods, not a single project failed.
marco tagliavacche.
Daniel Góngora.
Kausigan Maneeswaran: (University of Minnesota) I really am into agile after my professor wanted my class to submit a term paper on agile
Carlos Silva.
Rafael Stavarengo: (
Pavel Ernesto Navarro Guerrero: (desoft s.a.) I belong to Amelia3D, a development group. We use agile development methodologies like XP, SCRUM and BDD. With them, we have achieved great results. We are fans of programming languages and Free Software.
Paolo Aliverti: (Aeolian)
Abilash: (Huawei) The most pragmatic thinking in software devlopment and delivery.I completely endorse and belive in these principles and manifesto
Rahal Aboulfeth: (Youniwemi) Agile principles are the way to go to reach Quality and Customer Satisfaction.
Fabio Armani: (OpenWare) Agile Manifesto is the nerve center of my philosophical and professional experience! Every value, practice and methodology I teach during my trainings and couching classes are enlightend by the deep truth contained in the four sentences of the Agile Manifesto. I've also worked on the Italian translation of the Manifesto with some friends of the Italian agile Community. Fabio Armani
Deborah C. Springstead.
Dylan Hulbert.
Paul Ayraud: (TechAutoma)
Hany Hanna: (JERTHAN)
Peter Harder: (Hitmeister) As operating in the fast growing and changing online world we need to find ways to keep up with others. For us the most important thing is to push out features as fast as possible and having requirements redefined on the way. Thus agile development and scrum meet our requirements there.

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