Independent Signatories of
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


Signatures Received: 16 Dec to 01 Jan 2009
Gustavo Dalla Nora.
Cher Stewart: (
Cees de Groot: (eBay Stupid me - all this time I thought I signed the manifesto right after it came out! I probably let habit prevail - put the manifest on a story card and signed that. In any case - this is what I've been doing over the last decade-and-a-bit, and this is the only thing I've consistently seen working. It's a no-brainer, now if anyone can please tell me how to *easily* convince the business owners of this...
Sebastian Weis.
Jan Geerinckx.
Edward Garson.
Bachir El Khoury: (Rtistique) The "soft" in software... revealed.
Prathapan Sethu: (QBurst) We strongly support agile development and the benefits it offer.
Ed Darnell: (Agile501) Passionate about agile. Currently building a peer-group collaborative network of Agile CIO / CTOs.
Rainer Häring: (IT-Rockstars)
John Robertson: (Vandina Pty ltd)
Mike Glenn: (Data Flow Designs LLC)
Eduardo Moranchel: Agile is probably the best thing that happened to me as a professional, It allows teams to develop more efficiently and create better products but more important than that it frees the people to openly collaborate and to be always contributing to the project. More communication has proven extremely valuable in the development process allowing everyone to give their best for the benefit of the software being developed. Also this methodology aided by TDD or XP removes fear of change and huge refactors from the team since there is always tests and experience behind it, good communication, close customer collaboration, and clear goals free the developers from fear which in my opinion is a priceless advantage.
Neil Harris.
Ronaldo Blanc Rocha: (Summa Technologies do Brasil) Way to go....
Rick Kennett: (E&I Cooperative Service) While an Agile approach works amazingly well, it does leave the team open to the autopsies and second guessing of Luddites, the infidels of organizational learning. Thankfully, success typically overcomes all the whining and builds momentum and a stronger organization. Try preaching this : Integrity + Knowledge = Competency Competency + Trust = Speed.............. Speed + Learning = Adaptation........ Adaptation + Purpose = Survival
Clive Hesketh B.Sc. MCAD MCP MBCS: (Kop Limited) A great source of information to help assist in the implementation and use of Agile, including understanding and encouraging its use.
Daniel Assis Alfenas: (Summa)
Benjamin Lee.
Alex Ferrer: (Self) I support the Agile Manifesto.
Jan Raburski: (Record System)
Dan: (International Programmers' Day) As a member of the International Programmers' Day committee, I just wanted to recognize the achievements made by Agile developers. You are not simply conquering technical obstacles, you are improving the way the world works by delivering better solutions for customers.
Michel Allard: Agile is probably the best thing that happened to me. I use the Scrum approach with my team and works so well.
Ross Williams: (Advocacy Technologies)
Roderick Allan M. Baylon: (Mynd Tech Management Services) Agile delivers software as rapidly as possible less the headache of not complying with the client's requirements. Agile is the what makes customers happy.
Krzysztof Samplawski: (2ks Consulting Ltd)
Andre Dourado: (ADSystems)
Basharat Wani: (CBORD group Inc.) I fully subscribe to these principles and encourage thier adoption in the organizations I belong to. Freedom of mind, flexibility, collaboration, minimal overhead and the strive for results. I whole heartedly support the Agile Alliance.
Rama Singam: (IHS )
Damian Manda: (Boulder Rental Payments) Agile methods lead to better software and produces it more quickly.
Joel Abrahamsson.
Vernon Stinebaker: Never stop improving.
Alexey Filippov: (DataArt Solutions, Inc.)
Alvaro Garcia: (Evolutiva)
santosh padhi: (Dreamtech360)
Matthew Otto.
Thomas Wöhlke: (ObjectCode GmbH) Gone through Hell with Waterfall - but now with SCRUM beeing agile again. :-)
Henry Utonwanne : (University of East London) The life system of software development is embodied in Agile.Agile is software and Software is Agile.
Stewart Swerdlow.
Anil Saha: (A bank) Agile is fresh air in the system development processes. The age old waterfall model is very good on paper, but most of the times it fails to deliver best result with optimum use of money and resources. Although, there are two sides of a coin, I believe agile will the choice for more projects in down the line. It is still evolving with a huge community support. The twelve founding principles are excellent guidelines for us who practices agile. My only concern is it should not be over blotted like open source technologies with no control.
Gavin Barrett: (Gavin Barrett)
Laxmidhara Mallik: (HCL) I am new to Agile and using Agile methodology in my current project. But what I understand, Agile S/W development methodology is really a good for company's business need where requirements are keep on changing and challenge to market competition can be incorporate in business process.
Sujay Saha.
Dale Emel: ( The key to successful Agile Development is in understanding how to apply it in your organization.
Brylie 0: (GNUmedia)
Mark Koutsogiannis.
Nico du Plessis: (
Devin Hedge: (Designs by Devin)

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